Major Lakes:-

- Important lakes of the world are Caspian sea, Dead sea, lake Baikal, lake Tanganyika, lake Titicaca, lake Victoria, lake Superior, Great lakes, Aral sea, African Great Lakes etc.
- Lake Baikal is the deepest lake (1637m) in the world located in Siberia, Russia.
- Lake Tanganyika is the longest lake (660 Km) and second deepest lake.
- The highest large lake in world is Pumoyong Tso in Tibet autonomous region of China (5080 m. above sea level).
- The world’s highest commercially navigable lake is Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia border at 3812 m. It is also the largest lake in South America. World’s lowest lake is Dead Sea at 418 m below sea level.
Major Lakes | Continents |
Lake Eyre | Australia |
Lake Victoria | Africa |
Lake Vostok | Antarctica |
Lake BaiKal | Asia |
Lake Ladoga And Lake Onega | Europe |
Lake Superior | North America |
Lake Titicaca | South America |