On Aug. 8, 1942, the Congress in its meeting at Gowaliya Tank, Bombay passed a resolution known as ‘Quit India’ resolution, whereby Gandhiji asked the British to quit India and gave a call for ‘Do or die’ (We shall either free India or die in the attempt) to his countrymen. On Aug. 9, 1942 all the prominent leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Patel etc. were arrested but the rest (J.P., Lohiya, Aruna Ashaf Ali, Usha Mehta etc.) continued the revolutionary struggle. Violence spread throughout the country, several government offices were destroyed and damaged, the telegraph wires were cut and communication paralyzed. Parallel government were established in some places viz. 1. Ballia, U.P. (by Chittu Pandey)-first Parallel govt. 2. Tamulak, Midnapur Distt., Bengal (by Satis Samant) 3. Satara, Maharashtra (by Y. B. Chahvan and Nana Patil) – the longest (term) parallel govt. 4. Talchar, Orissa. The movement was, however, crushed by the government.
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